Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jan 12 post that went astray

Today was my husbands 60th birthday party. We celebrated it today as I will be out of town on his real birthday the 19th. We had a nice time, he certainly enjoyed seeing everyone who came. I bought much too big a cake, but he's taking it to work and I doubt it will last long there!I finished the socks I had been working on, just in time as another pair has bit the dust. I will reknit the toes once, but when the sole blows out, it's time to say good by to that pair and knit another. I also started a pair in Trekking that I bought just before Christmas. The colorway is surprising me, I thought it would be short bursts of color but these are rather long and blend very subtly into one another.I also finished hat #25 and started #26. This time I'm using larger needles and double yarn just for the heck of it. No photo's today, don't want to take the time to upload them and move them around.

Jan 17th post that went astray

I knit a little on my 2nd sock at coffee this morning with friends R and P, that was pleasant! Need to finish white bobble/red Festival scarf and start a hat for the newspaper interview on Sunday. Cake in the oven, guess I'll go knit a little.


The beret on the left is the 2nd one I knit. I made it with yarn left from the 1st beret. The 3rd photo shows the detail from Beret # 1. I changed the charts up a little to use the different colors of yarn. So far, everyone likes the colors of #1 better. The hats are from Anna Zillborgs "45 Fine and Fanciful hats to knit". I didn't have much problem with these, but the 3rd beret from a different chart has given me nightmares! The chart is not written out correctly and I've had to go back to the chart for #1 and #2 to try to figure out how it should have been written. I knit and ripped out the same 6 rows twice yesterday (no small thing at 144 stitches per round!). Googled eratta and found many complaints and a link for the publisher for eratta, (and some complaints about the eratta paper some have recieved!) but think I've got it licked now. I just was too tired and frustrated last night to continue on. This beret is a Bastille day gift for my mom and I want to get it done! grrrr

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A few more charity hats

I had a big ball of off white that I started using for the cuff, then used all the small ball of whatever, then finished with the off white. I really have lost track of how manyhats I've done now!