Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunny but restless

So, yesterday's black mood has passed with the storms and today is much sunnier outside and in my self. I'm pushing the pain pills to 4.5 hours instead of 4 and so far, it's okay. I slept well in the recliner last night, see the wisdom of it, because when my thumb slips out of the loop, my elbow slips back, in the recliner it can't go far, but in a bed could go far enough to cause damage. I can do this. I knit 1 round on my sock, as much as I could let myself. can't push it, simply can't. i recognize that my drive to do could be detrimental this time.

Blocking the pink and yellow baby hat. It is the sweetest thing! After the fair I'll sell it, either at the studio or on etsy.

So far this year, I've been a dancer who can't dance and a knitter who can't knit. The lady is trying to tell me something!

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