Sunday, August 21, 2005

Star Shawl

I finished the garter star shawl I "designed". I put designed in quotes because I just kind of "did it" and didn't work it all out on paper 1st. I think it's kind of neat. I probably should have done about 10 more rows at the bottom edge, but I was thinking A) I'm going to put a border on this, and B) I'm tired of working on it...I want to be done so I can see what it looks like! It's kind of plain, but will be warm I think. I'm going to give it to my mom as she mentioned it would be nice to have a shawl for the evenings when it gets a little cooler. I like the way it sits on your shoulders. The star design kind of surprised me...didn't think it through!

I wrote out the pattern incase anyone would ever want to make one. Like I'm some big shot designer huh? Right now it's wet and blocking, when it drys I'll get Sid to take a picture of it one me.

Working on my tiger socks, I need to finish them as I realize that many of my 1st socks are really disintigrating. I've reknit toes and can do so again, but some of the cuffs are "popping" at the join I think and begining to ladder, and not sure I can do much about that... Problem is ... I like these socks, and hate the thought of throwing them out! Maybe I could unravel, rework as children's socks for charity...that's probably really silly though....however, if my income is curtailed this year as I think it may be, that might not be such a silly option to buying new yarn I can't afford.

1 comment:

KarenK said...

What an interesting shape to that shawl! How did you do that? I'm hoping that you'll post a link to the directions on your blog so I can try that someday. Good job. (and this is a real comment, not a spam -- you'll need to learn how to delete spammers!)