Thursday, December 29, 2005

I love Sunny Days

It's a sunny Day and I love those. I missed all of yesterday because I was working on placing costume orders for the studio and kept saying, I'll take a walk after I do "this"... by the time I got done at 5:30pm it was dark and I missed my chance. Gonna go do it now, even just a walk around the block before going to the dentist (gold crown... gettin' some bling for Christmas after all!)

Photo is of the hat series I ended up making for Kathy T who gifted me with a treadmill. What a gift! Cabled hat was 1st, turned out to small and too frilly for her hubby. So, 2nd hat which I think will fit unless he has a huge head, and then using leftovers for a hat for 18 month old Austin, I'm thinking I'll have enough yarn, hoping so, as I was going to put in a contrast stripe but none of my woolease really co-ordinates. The yarn isn't photographing well, but it's a pretty slighty varieagated blues/deep greens called "Pines" in Woolease Worsted.

If I could figure out how to do the side board link section on this blog I'd post the pattern for the cabled hat. oh well.
Kim in KCK I appreciate your comments, I thinkyou are one of my 3 or 4 readers but I can't figure out how to reply.
I knit better than I techno.

1 comment:

Kim in KCK said...

I think you can reply back by clicking on the comments and leaving your own comment. But it's no big deal. I just enjoy reading the blog, but don't do it every day...mostly just when I'm procrastinating about something else. :)