Monday, June 12, 2006

Rainy Day Monday

It's pouring down rain this am, good for plants, bad for plans!
Festival is over, we did our jobs, had fun, I bought a piece of art for the studio, a little glass fused piece that says dance that artist is making for me...she had bliss and serentity and stuff like that but said she'd make me a dance one. Only $36 which was well under my self-imposed $50 art budget. First year I bought a heart and stars hanging, 2nd year a drawing of a ballerina, and now this....each a different When daughter returns camera and I get the item I'll post a photo of it.

Working on my Rock and Weave STR club sock...not sure I like it at all, but it's a learning experience for sure..learned linen stitch and picot bind off. Also learned an i-cord bind off through helping a friend, quite sure that's much more trouble than it's worth!

Working on a little girl hat in a "design" of my own...doing it on the fly without drawing or color ing on charts so not sure how it will turn out..the hearts band is pretty, we'll see about the flower camera!

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