Friday, July 01, 2005


Well, as you can see from the photo, I'm up to round 32! Whoo hoo! It's going much faster now that I have learned to hold the red yarn in my left hand and the black in my right. I'm sure my guage is much looser than it should be, but it doesn't look bad, so I guess it's okay.

Finished my mom's socks in plenty of time, need to get them mailed today. Got some Sage Bernat Softee Chunky yesterday at Wal-mart for $1.47 a skein. I'm going to make the same pattern as my glitter vest. Should have gotten the pink/grey/white for the girls sweater for my niece, but I decided to try the vest 1st.... oh selfish selfish me!

Studio is going okay, we're getting started on our new competition routines, Moscow Ballet is starting to come into focus a little better and now we've added "Salina Moves" a showcase for the local dance studio's in March to be held at the Stieffel, a beautifully restored vaudeville/movie theatre from the 30's.

Not doing anything special for the 4th of July, wish we did but Hubby just isn't, guess I'll sit and knit!

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