Saturday, March 11, 2006

New Hat for Felicity

Made Felicity this cute hat from leftovers from the Chunky Cable Purse. I like this yarn alot, it feels really nice to knit with. I think I have enough left to make another one, just hate all those little balls of yarn lying around being wasted.

Panicked myself the othernight, thought I had stopped the back of Karims sweater 3" too short. Re-read pattern in am, highlighting all relevant () items in yellow, and I was fine. Finished front last night, kept reminding myself, just follow the pattern, it will all work out okay, because the neckline just seemed really off... total 79 stitches, used 19 for the stage left side (right as you look at it) of shoulders/neck, put 26 on holder and used the remainder for the stageright side....but, I think I get how it works...has to do with the button band thingy.

Have been assigned to knit a cowl and sleeves for Lion in Winter to resemble chainmail. No twine and paint for these people, gave me 4 $11.00 skeins of this metallic stuff towork with! Swatched 4 needle sizes, think the 13 is the best but will show it to "boss" to make sure she's happy.

Off to KC today for a DMA workshop. Tap teacher, Germaine Jackson, knits socks too! Big dilemmna last night as I tried to decide which socks to wear with my tapshoes....decided on the Opal Tigers. Now, isn't that silly? Hubby was going to go with me, but something important blew up at hospital and even though it's a bio-med item, he has to stay in town and deal with it because "bio-med don't do weekends.", so our mini-vacation is not going to happen. sigh..

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