Thursday, March 02, 2006

Purse help and Stupid Tulips

Can't for the life of me figure out how this purse bottom is supposed to go together. Stitched it together twice and it's just not right. Frustrates me as normally I'm "pattern queen " who can read and understand any pattern! Pattern says:" Begin bag bottom, K1, Loosely BO 8 sts from side, K21 sts across long side and 8 sts from second short side. K across remaining 23sts. Turn and purl across. Work 7 more rows back and forth is st sts for a total of 9 rows. BO loosely, break yarn. Seaming. Using a single strand of yarn, sew flap to bag bottom on 3 open sides. I've sewed the long edge together and then "squared" off the opening. Looked really odd with the other non-cable side piece not squared. So, ripped out seam, and sewed squared off end, then folded and squared off other end, then sewed remaining long seam. Looked odder still. Took those seams out... I'm beginning to think I didn't understand the bag bottom directions, but I did what it said... Help anyone?

My stupid tulips are all coming up wayyy too soon. It's been an odd and dry winter, and the tulips are confused. I gave up and watered them yesterday since it was 80! My big fear is that when we have our traditional St. Pat's blizzard and ice storm they will get popsiclced. In the grayer picture you can see the retaining wall that's collapsing. Summer project.... sigh....

BTW the sawdust looking stuff is biodegradable Feline Pine kitty litter. Great stuff! Turns into sawdust and you just use it for mulch. It does retain a faint "litterbox" ordor but I think that's actually supposed to be a deterent to some "critters"... anyhow, I like the idea of not filling up the landfill with kitty litter. I'm going to break down and spend the $ for more of the FP litter boxes (the sifting ones at Wal-mart won't work with the product, the spaces are too big. FP boxes are expensive, but the litter is super cheap!)

Finished gusset on STR sock, worked a few rows on Karim's sweater.


Kim in KCK said...

Pattern looks like an error to me. I think I would redesign and either make one long flap of the 8 stitches or a flap of the 21/23 stitch side and sew the edges to the remaining three sides. Another thought is to do flaps on both of the long sides and overlap them for a double bottom thickness.

Tinydancer said...

Kathy - thanks for the FP pans! I'm walking on the treadmill, but looking forward to getting back is nice, I'm just being lazy!