Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Chunky Cable Purse ready to be seamed. I think I understand how to do it.
$1.00 skein yarn aquistion $11.00 for these pretty skeins. Not sure what I'll do with them other than scarfs. hmmm sugestions anyone?

Must get to actual work today...need to kick my tutu into gear. Since updateing my SBC yahoo browser it's very annoying that it searchs for every damn letter I type. Not so bad on blogger here but on hotmail the message screen jumps all over the place. Wonder if I can disable this function... what's up with searching for links that begin with s .... Stupid updates fixing things that were not broken and causeing other problems.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Love the yarn. Great price, congrats! =) love the pourse too.