Monday, October 10, 2005

The Shawl is finished!

I finished "the Shawl"! It needs to be blocked, but it's finished. Whew!
Started same pattern in the homespun it was written for on size 13's for sister in law Lisa. She originally gave me the yarn for a birthday present, so I'm giving it back to her in the form of a shawl. What goes around, comes around, hee hee. Homespun tends to split and catch I'm noticing, but if I watch what I'm doing it should be okay.

Got my yarn from for the snowman stocking. Waiting on order from for the pattern.

Saw on the news that "Katie and Tom" will have a silent birth due to Scientology principles set down by their founder L. Ron Hubbard.... well, you can tell that L doesn't stand for Louise! Only a man would decided that a birth should be silent... give me a frickn break. okay, vent over.

Off to studio to retrieve cane to teach Puttin on the Ritz to Stang Gang. Looking through previous choreography I see that I have 90% of their big spring project allready done, will just need some tweaking! Yay me! Organization and record keeping pays off once in a while.

On my to do list today was pick up living room, and deal with Cellular One...not sure either will happen but... I should at least try.

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